26 Jan 2021

Collecting our data worldwide

We understand that finding the most beautiful varieties for your specific climate conditions can be difficult. Therefore we conduct tests all over the world so we can assess how varieties perform in different environments.

To perform our tests, our branches are located in Africa and South-America. Our branches focus on selecting the best and most beautiful varieties for our growers in the region. We have thereby a great network of agents worldwide, representing Schreurs. Working with the branches and agents in multiple areas such as Kenya, Ethiopia, South enables us to create partnerships with clients all over the continent.

Our success worldwide is based on our local tests and following trials with our growers in different altitude areas in different regions. Collecting data from many areas, sub climates and altitudes enables us to provide growers with the best recommendations on our varieties. In a couple of decades, our approach has led us to become one of the world’s leading rose breeders.

We are happy to help in making the right decision. Feel free to contact us if you need any help!
